Ryan Chitwood

Dec 2023

The Year of Presence

It’s a new year, and that means a new theme. Cortext can teach you all about yearly themes. Or read my post from last year.

Without further ado, my theme for 2025 is Presence. I want to be more present in the moment.

Last year I focused on integrating my life. This work has given me some space to focus on the moment. For example, I take the kids to Child Watch at the YMCA regularly. While they play, I work out and can fully focus on that. When that’s done, I can focus on them. We do a special activity together, such as going to story time at the library. Then we have lunch together when Cady gets home. We all sit together at the table and enjoy each other’s company.

A big helper to being present is leaving my phone in another room. When I’m with my family, I want to be with them. There are very few emergencies that would need my immediate attention. My family can be my top priority there.

A challenge to this theme is content consumption. I feel the need to always be drinking from the firehose of information. Podcasts, YouYube, etc. are always calling my name. I think I need to reduce the amount of that come my way. And also focues on pushing that content into less grabby formats. For example, I should try to move as much to my RSS reader as possible. YouTube should be pushed to podcasts as much as possible. I should continue to trim down my YouTube subscriptions. I should focus on wathcing only one series at a time. I should start listening to music rather than podcasts or YouTube while working.

So in 2025, let’s be present! I’ll report back next year.